Rccg Fasting Prayer Points For 7th February 2019 – Prayer For Soul Harvest

Rccg Fasting Prayer Points For 7th February 2019 – Prayer For Soul Harvest

Acts 2:14-42; 4:4

1. Intense worship

2. Thank God for bringing many souls into RCCG in the past years. Psa23:

3. Thank God for confirming His word with signs and wonders in the life of RCCG members at all times

4. God Arise and let there be more harvest of soul in our churches this year in the name of Jesus

5. Father; destroy every evil arrow against genuine repentance among our members in the name of Jesus.

6. Father! Give us outstanding miracles that will magnetize multitudes into our churches this year in the name of Jesus.

7. Father; empower your word in the mouth of all Ministers in RCCG to bring true repentance in life of sinners. Acts 2:37

8. Father: Let your grace unto salvation appear to many this year for soul harvest in our churches. Tit 2:11. Read – Open Heaven 7 February 2019

9. Father make us a Christ model of good works that will invite outsiders into the fold Tit 2:7

10. Father let every RCCG members be a true light to their communities. Matt 5:16

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