TEXT: Luke 5:5-7, John 21:1-7
I bind the spirit of servitude in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
Let every satanic agenda of struggle and frustrated efforts in my life be totally destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.
You spirit of profitless and hard labour, I divorce you; get out of my life right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Open Heaven 18 July 2018
In the mighty name of Jesus, I shall live to enjoy the works of my hands.
From today, I deliver myself from the spirit of oppression and slavery in the name of Jesus.
All you forces that have kept my head bowed despite my hard labour, I break your power in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
I speak to you, creation and elements, that you shall no longer cooperate with the devil to subject me to labour loss and hard labour in the name of Jesus Christ.
Let every stubborn and prayer resistant demons working against my profiting receive fire and thunder of God in the name of Jesus Christ.
Let every taskmaster supervising and subjecting me to a profitless hard labour be roasted by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ.
From now on, my life shall fulfill the creational blessings of Genesis 1:28; I shall be fruitful, I shall multiply, I shall replenish the earth and subdue it in Jesus name.
I cover every seed I sow and every work I do with the blood of Jesus. You fowls of the air shall not eat up my seed in Jesus name.
From now on, whenever and wherever I sow or work, my seed shall germinate, grow, mature and bear fruits thirty-fold, sixty-fold and a hundred-fold in Jesus name.
Hardship, oppression and limitation in my father’s house, die, in the name of Jesus.
Wicked powers blowing money out of my way, you are destroyed in Jesus Name.
I bind the spirit of servitude in my life in the name of Jesus Christ.