Rccg Fasting 17th January 2019 DAY 7 –ARISE, OH LORD
Ps. 44:26; 57:4; 7:6
1. Praise and worship God
2. Arise for me, O Lord, stretch out your hand and deliver us from horrible pits and miry clays
of life. Psa. 40.2
3. Arise for me, O Lord, and let every power of the enemy on my life become impotent. Psa.
4. Let God arise for us and let His enemies be scattered in our nations. Psa. 68.1-2
5. God arise and let His enemies be scattered in all our churches. Psa. 68.1
6. Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered in my family.
7. Let God arise and let all those against the Church be totally frustrated.
8. Let us ask God to arise and scatter every enemy of our progress. Psa. 68.1-2
9. Let God reach forth to hold your right hand and use it to subdue every personality that is
rising against you. Isa 45.1
10. Let God arise and let every yoke of time-wasters be broken in your life. Isa 45.2