Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 20 January 2019 day 10: Rccg Missions And Missionaries

Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 20 January 2019 day 10: Rccg Missions And Missionaries

1. praise and worship, thank

2. Thank God for the unprecedented favor and growth of RCCG LOCAL AND Foreign

3. Ask God to empower RCCG missions the more to conquer more territories

4. Pray for the missionaries to point people to Jesus and not seek undue recognition for themselves. Matt 5:16. Read – Open Heaven 20 January 2019

5. Pray for RCCG Foreign missions and missionaries to model a life of dependence on God.

6. Ask God to give ministers in RCCG Missions the grace to know how to respond to each
person. Col 4:6

7. Pray for a spirit of unity as RCCG Missions work together and with other ministry partners.
Rom 15:5

8. Pray for them to be quick to take the escape routes God provides when temptation sneaks
up on them. 1 Cor10:13b. Read – Rccg Sunday School Manual For 20th January 2019

9. Retreat with God: Pray for them to take personal prayer retreats to get their direction from
Him. Isa 50:4

10. Pray for grace that the workers will be able to stand firm under affliction and to look forward
to eternal glory. 2 Cor4:17

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