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PERSONAL DAILY CONFESSION: I confess today, I am living a fulfilling life because Jesus is the anchor of my soul. Nothing can separate me from the love and plans of God because, He is the omniscient God forever. I am a victor and conqueror glory be to God. Hallelujah!
I am that I am, thank You for this wonderful Thursday and breath of life
I decree, the blesses of the Lord shall locate me and my household today, in Jesus’ name
I decree, the works of my hands will bring me before kings and queens, I will build wealth without sorrow with the wisdom God has deposited in me, in Jesus’ name
I decree my season of joy and unspeakable blessings is here, I will go out there and get what belongs to me in a righteous way, in Jesus’ name
I claim the blessings of God that makes rich without sorrow over my entire being, in Jesus’ name
I decree, the devourer will not succeed in his actions towards me and my household, in Jesus’ name
I take charge of my situation, I will fall a victim of the devil’s manipulations, in the mighty name of Jesus
It is well with my soul, in the midst of all that is happening, I will not loose my sanity, in Jesus’ name
I decree concerning this nation and nations around the world, the healing hands of God sets us free from all sickness, diseases or infections in Jesus’ name
I decree my testimony is forever settled nothing can separate my life from the divine orchestration of God, in Jesus’ name
Lord Almighty, bless your son, Pastor E.A.Adeboye; renew his strength, power and anointing, in Jesus’ name.
Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for all the testimonies on this platform, please continue to inspire the intercessory team for more prophetic declarations on this platform, in Jesus’ name
Somebody shout Hallelujah!