Daily Declarations 12 March 2019

This Morning The Presence of God will go with You and your household in Jesus Name!

May His daily blessings never elude You All in Jesus Name!

It’s A New week go and receive New Testimonies in Jesus Name!

May You never know better last week in Jesus Name

This week- You will experience that divine visitation in your life in Jesus Name!

Over Your Marriage- You will receive divine visitation in Jesus Name

Over that court case- You will return with complete Testimonies in Jesus Name

May You not missed your Divine Visitation this week in Jesus Name!

Wherever You will appear this week- You shall be favoured in Jesus Name!

All interview scheduled for this week shall be Testimonies in return in Jesus Name

All closed doors against You shall begin to Open on their own accord this week in Jesus Name

Like never before- God will visit You this week in Jesus Name

All pending requests are granted with Divine Speed in Jesus Name!

God is saying to someone- Your Destiny Helpers will locate You this season! Halleluyah

God is saying to someone- He is ready to visit Your Marital storms and grant You Permanent Peace! Halleluyah

God is saying to someone- like never before You will be recognise from where they have rejected You as Great Value!

God is saying to someone- Irrespective Of that Medical report, He has healed You now! Halleluyah

God is saying to someone- Welcome to your season of 11th hour miracle! Halleluyah

I Pray for all our children that divine Protection will not depart from them in Jesus Name

I speak into that business this week go and be flourishing in Jesus Name

That letter of rejection has been turn to letter of Great opportunities! Halleluyah

This week shall release that your New songs of Victory in Jesus Name!

All Ministry Partners May You not Partner in vain in Jesus Name

On this our Christianity journey- May we not tired or weary in Jesus Name!

Father, our Great achievement is to make it to Heaven- Help and keep us to the very end in Jesus Name!

Is there any soul here that are still struggling with their Salvation- Father Perfected it this morning in Jesus Name!

Over everyone of You I will not mourn in Jesus Name!

All round Victory shall be your Portion in Jesus Name!

At the end we shall not be cast away in Jesus Name!

Remember to Pray for Me and all Ministers on this Ministry as You are led.

All ministry destiny helpers God will send flood of Helper on your way this season in Jesus Name!
» Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!
…..And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!
*Go ahead and Celebrate God for this morning Declarations.*
We return all Glory to you Alone.


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