Prayer Points on Today [Open Heaven 9 July 2018] – NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER

Prayer Points on Today [Open Heaven 9 July 2018] – NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER

Sing a worship song and ask God for divine courage to face any challenges. Bless the Lord for Who He was, Who He is and Who He will continue to be in your life, family, career and business.

1.Father, you are the God of Abraham, lsaac and Jacob; all powers in heaven and on earth, belong to you.

2.Thank you, Father, for your promises, never to leave nor forsake me, all the days of my life.

3.Father, in anyway, l have fallen short of your glory, please, have mercy and forgive me, in Jesus’ name.

4.Father, let me never do anything that will drive away your presence from my life, in Jesus’ name.

5.Father, in all my spiritual assignments, don’t let me fail, but, excel and bring glory to your kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

6.Father, let every satanic road block and obstacle on my way, to my land flowing with milk and honey, be dismantled, by the host of heaven, in Jesus’ name.

7.Father, go ahead of me and straighten every crooked path, in Jesus’ name.

8.Father, please, come and complete, all the good things that you have started in my life, in Jesus’ name.

9.Father, please, give me divine support and assistance from above, to enable me succeed in the spiritual assignments, ahead of me, in Jesus’ name.

10.Father, please speak a word of support and assurance into my life today that will send jitters down the spine of my enemies and detractors in Jesus’ Name.

11.Father, let every barrier erected against my success, progress, promotion, breakthroughs, etc, begin to give way, in Jesus’ name.

12.Your Personal petitions.
( Philippians 4:6)
13.In Jesus’ name I pray.
(John 14:13-14; 15:16)
14.Thank you Father for answered prayers.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18).

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