Rccg Fasting Prayer Points For Sunday 13 January 2019 – Divine Pardoning Through God’s Mercy

Rccg Fasting Prayer Points For Sunday 13 January 2019 – Divine Pardoning Through God’s Mercy

– Lam. 3:22-23, John 8:1-11, Ps. 130:1-8, rom. 4:4, Ps. 32:2. Total amnesty from sins that held us bound is the exclusive
of God’s mercy.

His mercy is capable of granting us release from the punishment of our wrong actions or inactions.

1. Appreciate God for his mercies again times and again

2. ‎Father! As I repent and forsake my sins, set me free from every area the devil has been accusing me before you in Jesus name.

3. As you grant that adulterous woman amnesty from those accusing her, liberate my destiny from Christ the brutal judgments of hell in Jesus name.

4. Oh Lord my God! By your mercies, cancel every claim of my accusers and cause them to slip away one by one until there is none left in Jesus name.

5. Father! Please, grant me comprehensive freedom from the conspiracies of Hell-bent individuals in  Jesus name. Read – Open Heaven 13 January 2019

6. By the mercies of God, no more condemnation against me, against your Church and my Nation in
Jesus name.

7. In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to return to the valley of my old life of sin by the mercies
of God.

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