RCCG Sunday School TEACHER’s Manual May 27th, 2018 Lesson 39

RCCG Sunday School TEACHER’s Manual May 27th, 2018 Lesson 39

TOPIC: Sunday School Quarterly Review – [Section 1 – 4th, Sunday, 27th May 2018]

SECTION 1 – 4th Quarter Test – Marks Obtainable = 50 Marks

Time Allowed = 15 Minutes

Co-coordinator (Parish/Area/Zonal) should set 10 questions from the 12 lessons in the quarter and administer them for 15 minutes. Each question carries 5 marks. Total score should be marked over 50 marks.

SECTION 2 – 4th Quarter Attendance in the Sunday school and Participation in Class Activities.

Marks Obtainable = 50 Marks Time Allowed = 15 Minutes

Class Teachers should check the student’s attendance and participations in Sunday School Class Report (R1) and count how many times the student attended the School. 4 Marks should be given for each time the student was present in the Quarter, while 2 marks be given for attending the quarterly review. Open Heaven 27 May 2018
i.e. 4 marks x number of times present + 2 marks
e.g. 4 X 12 times +2 = 50
Total Scores should marked over 50 marks

Marks Obtainable = 100 Marks Time allowed = Zero
Class teacher should check student’s workbook and obtain the student’s score. The work book assignments should be scored over 100 marks for every quarter with 10 marks for each assignment.

Total Score = Section 1 + Section 2 + Section 3
e.g. = 40 + 42 + 70 x 100
200 1 = 76%

Marks Obtainable – Zero mark Time Allowed – 15 minutes

Teacher and students should discuss how to move the Sunday school forward in the new quarter. They should discuss challenges and set new goals. They should pray for success of the Sunday school and all officials.

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